
Evaluation of Heat Tolerance Germplasm in Wheat

Author:Hsun-Shih Lin1,2


    Wheat is a temperate-zone crop; thus, the only appropriate season for planting wheat in Taiwan is winter. With global warming and the influences of extreme climate changes, high temperatures have posed a challenge for wheat agriculture in Taiwan. Therefore, novel heat-tolerant wheat strains must be developed. The targets of this genetic evaluation experiment for wheat heat tolerance were 167 heat-tolerant strains that were imported from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. The planting time was moved to October to conduct the genetic heat-tolerance experiment. In addition, disease infection conditions were investigated. According to the experimental results, the yields of 73 strains were higher than that of wheat Taichung Sel. No. 2 and the most common maturation period was 130–135 d. The primary protein content ranged between 12.5% and 13.5%. Most wheat varieties contained medium gluten. Based on their gene expressions, 20 of the 167 strains were selected as samples for conducting additional regional yield experiments. Subsequent experiments will be conducted to verify the heat-tolerance performances of these wheat strains.

Keywords: Wheat, Heat tolerance, Germplasm.

1 Associate Researcher,Taichung DARES, COA.
2 Corresponding Author, Email: ; Tel: 04-8523101#270.

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