
Selective Breeding of Cold Tolerance Soybean and the Improvement of Agricultural Practices for Low-Input Facility

Author:C. H. Wu1,2 and H. L. Huang1


    In order to adapt to the impacts of climate change, we collected the soybean varieties and developed the varieties that are stress tolerant and disease resistant and require low fertilizer cost. We also established labor-saving cultivation methods that can achieve high planting density, decrease costs and maintain the benefit for farmers. In this project, we cross bred and introduced soybean varieties at the same time. In the regional trial, the average yield of soybean line TS99-38S was 2,107–3,896 kg/ha, which was 13.0–16.2% more than Kaohsiung selection No.10. This line is tolerant of powdery mildew. We selected 15 varieties from AVGRIS (AVRDC Vegetable Genetic Resources Information System) and introduced 64 varieties from IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) and 6 varieties from other countries. Based on the result of the labor-saving experiment, it is ideal to cultivate by broadcasting and ploughing furrow in a more extensive cultivation system field. The rice-upland rotation fields are better suited to using ridges for cultivation and it is better to drill when the water supply is sufficient. Autumn and spring crops of black soybean can both be cultivated by creating a spacing of 50cm*10cm*2. Their proper sowing dates are September and February. Furthermore, it is not suitable to cultivate the photosensitivity varieties after March. We selected 20 lines under cold temperatures for early spring crop or autumn intercrop, and C102-10(TN3-S) had higher yields (2,231 kg/ha) in the early spring crop.

Keywords: Chilling tolerance, Soybean, Cultivation technique.

1 Taiwan Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, COA.
2 Corresponding Author, Email: ; Tel: 06-5912901#505.

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