
Studies on the Improvement of Wind Resistance Capacity of Taiwan Greenhouse

Author:Chin-Yuan Chang

Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, COA


    Greenhouse is widely used to grow crop, Low wind-resistance capacity may be damaged by gale in Taiwan. To improve the structural resistance of the greenhouse to reduce the natural disaster loss. In this study, TAIWAN CPAMI greenhouse structure specifications were included in the analyses of wind-resistant performance of greenhouse. Three improved design models and a control structure was under comparison, the deformation of the control structure was high deformation. Deformations of the three improved type : T-type, Hill-type, and V-Type, V-type obtained the best wind-resistance capacity, The restrain of deformation was 39.3 %. Hill-type obtained the second lowest wind-resistance capacity was 33.4 %. T-type obtained the Lowest wind-resistance capacity was 20.9 %.

Keywords: Greenhouse、Structure、Typhoon、Finite element method

UPDATE:2021-11-22 17:34:00
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