
Development of Automatic Carrier with Multi-functions for Vegetable Seedling Production

Author:Syuan-You Hou1, Shin-Rang Wang2, Kwang-Wan Shieh3

1 Master, Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering, National Chung Hsing University.
2 Graduate students, Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering, National Chung Hsing University.
3 Associate Professor, Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Corresponding Author.


    This study is to build an automatic carrier with multi-functions for vegetable seedling product, the carrier across the way of the planting bed design, using aluminum M8 Series for carrier materials, the drive part use 1HP turbine brake motor as a carrier power source, the other with a drive shaft, transmission gears, cross steering composed of the transmission system, driven by the motor through the drive shaft with cross steering movement of the entire carrier, positioning the parts of the system design nearly tap positioning cylinder and positioning holes composed of a positioning system cylinder to reach out and inserted into the positioning holes to ensure the accuracy of the positioning of the carrier, the positioning is completed to pass the positioning completion signal to take the seedling and take-phase equipment to begin work until the work is completed and back to communications, back-control system to lift the positioning carrier to continue walking until the carrier to touch the carrier stopped and returned to the origin after touch of the limit switch, the carrier control program written by the PLC, both manual and automatic mode of work the user to make different choices, and execute mechanical grab claw, developed this device for three-axis design, claw refers to the part of the jaw-style design, the use of our four claws stretching under the trays, you can swing trays up, and collected.

Keywords: Automatic, Vegetable seedling, Carrier.

UPDATE:2021-11-22 17:33:00
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