
Establishment of Environmental Friendly Crop Rotation System in Northern Taiwan

Author:Zhi-Wei Yang1* and Jen-You Jian2


    The purpose of this study was to use of environmental friendly crop rotation model to achieve due to climate change and increasing food self-sufficiency, and to evaluate the effect of rice and upland crop rotation systems on the soil physical property, fertility, the density of weeds, disease and insect pest, and crop yield. To assess paddy rice and upland crop rotation benefit for the best culture management method to farmers. The results show the first crop season with no-tillage forage corn, and the middle crop season with no-tillage green manure crop, and the second crop season with early maturing rice varieties, and winter crop season with no-tillage wheat was the best environmental friendly crop rotation model in northern Taiwan. The net income reached NT 56,970 dollars per hectare.

Keywords: Environmental Friendly Cropping System, Crop Rotation.

1 Taoyuan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.
2 Taoyuan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.
* Corresponding Author,; Tel: 03-4768216#255.

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