
Establishment of Environment-Friendly Systems in Rice and Upland Crop Rotation in Hualien and Yilan Areas

Author:Der-Fa Yu1* and Su-Szu Yang2


    The aim of this project is to establish rotation planting models suitable for farming in Hualien and Yilan areas that are friendly to the agricultural environment, and are able to improve the value of crops and to increase the income of the farmers. The model in Hualien area is rice rotates with upland crops. The model in Yilan area is rice rotates with green onion, upland crops and green manure. The productivity of both traditional and eco-friendly planting model (application of fertilizers and pesticides) in soybean-rice rotation and corn-rice rotation adapted in Hualien area were about the same. The productivity of both traditional and eco-friendly planting model in soybean-rice rotation indicated no significant difference on yield, in corn-rice rotation traditional cultivation planting model corn grain yield higher than eco-friendly planting model, in soybean-rice rotation and corn-rice rotation traditional cultivation planting model rice grain yield higher than eco-friendly planting model in Hualien area. The model in Yilan area is rice rotates with green onion, upland crops and green manure. Experiment on rice rotates with green onion was made in Sanxing township, Yilan county. We cultivated rice on first crop, and sowed green manure crops marigolds and sesbania on second crop this year. The investigate results indicated no significant difference on yield, occurrence of rice blast and rice sheath blight disease existed among tests. Then we planted green onion at 2013. The results showed that there is no significant difference on first crops among tests. But the yield and horticultural character of treatment were better than the control on second and third crop. At 2014, ear we cultivated rice “Taikeng No.8” on first crop, and sowed green manure crops marigolds and sesbania on second crop. The investigate results indicated the yield of treatment were better than check, and no significant difference on occurrence of rice blast and rice sheath blight disease existed among tests.

Keywords: Crop Rotation, Rice, Green Onion, Corn, Soybean.

1 Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.
2 Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.
* Corresponding Author, Email:; Tel: 038-521108#290.

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