
A Performance Study on Electric Weeding Machine

Author:Ping-Lang Yen1, Wei-Tzer Liu2, and Hsiang-Wei Hsu2

1 Associate Professor, Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering, National Taiwan University
2 Master, Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering, National Taiwan University


    In response to the growing problem of global warming and climate change, energy conservation and carbon reduction have become an inevitable issue. To uphold the "health, efficiency, sustainable" agricultural policy objectives and to open a vision of "low risk, low carbon, new business opportunities", development of energy efficiency and low emission of power is imperative for agricultural machinery. The project is focused on the modular design of direct driving mechanism, and high performance embedded microcontroller for motor driver etc. Evaluations are also performed in real field by farmers, modifications based on the feedback reviews and overall cost analysis are also carried out for applications in industry.

Keywords: Electrical Agricultural Machinery, Weeding Machine, High Efficiency.

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