
Design and Development of Floret Cutting Machine for Broccoli

Author:Chien Li1, Jui-Yung Chung2, and Jung-Jui Cheng3

1 Assistant Agricultural Engineer, Tainan District Agriculture Research and Extension Station assistant mechanist, COA
2 Associate Agricultural Engineer, Tainan District Agriculture Research and Extension Station assistant mechanist, COA
3 Senior Agricultural Engineer and Deputy Director-General, Tainan District Agriculture Research and Extension Station assistant mechanist, COA


    In the frozen food industry, there is a need for automated apparatus which will reliably and speedily prepare large volumes of broccoli for freezing, by separating the edible portions from the cores, while the broccolis are still in prime condition following harvesting. A commercial requirement for a relatively low-cost machine having a more modest throughput is a goal of the present design, this cutting machine can cut more than 40 head of broccolis in one minute and will save five times labor job.

Keywords: Broccoli, Floret, Cutting.


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UPDATE:2021-11-26 09:40:00
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