
Recent advances in the optical control of insect pests using light and color

Author:Masami Shimoda 1, 2

1 Insect Science Division, Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NARO. Ohwashi1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0851, Japan
2 Corresponding author, e-mail:


    Technologies employing “light pest control” are becoming an increasingly effective tool in IPM. Until the 1990s, traps using fluorescent tubes and moth-repellent lights using yellow sodium lamps were developed and employed widely. In the 2000s, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) capable of emitting monochromatic light with high luminous efficiency were developed and hence enhanced the potential of light pest control. Simultaneously, numerous studies concerning insect neurophysiology and neuroethology were achieved with new information, such as the spectral sensitivity of insect compound eye and the response behavior to a specific wavelength in many species. These efforts led to the discovery of new biological phenomenon, called the light response reactions. Advances in this area of research in recent years have been astonishing, which motivated the promising study of new light pest control technologies.

Keywords: agriculture, integrated pest management, optical control

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