
Optimal using and saving water on eco-friendly agriculture

Author:Yau-Shian Tsai1* and Wei-Min Hsiang2

* Corresponding author, e-mail:
1 Assistant Researcher, Agriculture Chemistry Division, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC.
2 Researcher , Agriculture Chemistry Division, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC.( retired)


    Irrigation on eco-friendly agriculture tends to maintain agricultural land sustainable used and protect the natural environment and ecology. The methods of water-saving strategies are same as conventional agriculture, but it comply with organic agriculture regulations not use synthetic chemicals and genetically modified crops. Taiwan's irrigation water should be appropriately handled according to the estimated conditions of future scenarios under climate change, and the cropping system should be reconsidered based on whether the regional rainwater resources are abundant or not, and the adjustment of the cropping system should be the main water-saving strategy .The development of watersaving irrigation systems, the study of crop physiology and water demand, the collection of related data, and the establishment of irrigation scheduling all require continuous investment. The soil management of agricultural land will take the increase of soil moisture storage capacity as the main water-saving strategy, increase the storage and utilization of green water. Suitable for regional cropping system conservation agriculture, and improve the water-holding capacity of agricultural land, and improve the root system those technical method should be established as soon as possible. The promotion of watersaving strategies and technologies requires a reliable information system and expert guidance. Established a friendly and timely information system to help farmers decide the daily irrigation amount, estimate the time and amount of irrigation for the next irrigation, and calculate irrigation efficiency, evaluation of economic benefits. Training and education for farmers to improve modern irrigation management. Introduce water footprint analysis to evaluate water use and water conservation in the area. Under the change of natural environmental conditions, the water resources must be adjusted. The available resources must be redistributed according to the amount of rainfall in the river basin and the changes in the dry and wet seasons of the region. The areas significantly reduced rainfall still need to maintain crop growth and natural conservation in the dry season. To avoid deterioration of farmland soil. Agricultural water use must reduce its dependence on reservoir water and groundwater. In the process of water transfer, a certain mechanism is required to protect the water rights owners and provide appropriate agricultural water and environmental water to avoid affecting the natural environment and agricultural ecology.

Key wordsEco-friendly farming, irrigation, water saving

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UPDATE:2021-11-16 11:09:00
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