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Comparative Analysis of Genetic Similarity among Anthurium Cultivars by Using ISSR and RAPD Markers
Dendrogram illustrating genetic relationship among 30 cultivars of Anthurium, generated by UPGMA cluster analysis calculated from 159 ISSR markers produced by seven primers. The scal on the top is Jaccard's coefficient of similarity
Dendrogram illustrating genetic relationship among 30 cultivars of Anthurium, generated by UPGMA cluster analysis calculated from 159 ISSR markers produced by seven primers. The scal on the top is Jaccard's coefficient of similarity

Author:Jau-Yueh Wang, Keng-Chang Chuang* and Ming-Jen Fan


Thirty Anthurium cultivars in the breeding program of Taiwan Agriculture Research Institute were evaluated and compared by using ISSR (inter simple sequence repeat) and RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) molecular markers. Objectives were to assess genetic similarity within the cultivars and survey the identification markers. The results indicated both methods revealed high degree of genetic polymorphism. The result of ISSR suggested that among the dinucleotides motifs, the poly(TC)n motif was more abundant and gave the largest number of polymorphism. There were 153 polymorphic bands produced by seven selected primers using ISSR analysis while 131 polymorphic bands were produced by RAPD. Additionally, 32 specific DNA fragments derived from ISSR analysis that could be used to distinguish 18 cultivars while 34 DNA fragments derived from RAPD analysis were used to distinguish 19 cultivars. Furthermore, analysis of genetic similarity by UPGMA (Un-weighted Pair-group Mean Arithmetic) using the markers of ISSR and RAPD revealed both were closely related. In the ISSR analysis, a dendrogram based on the UPGMA cluster analysis was constructed using the similarity matrix that derived from 159 polymorphic ISSR fragments generated by seven primers. These thirty cultivars could be divided into four major groups: The cultivars of ‘Southern Blush’、‘Fla-range’ and ‘Lady Anne’ performed as three independent groups that appeared to be distinct from other cultivars of group four. The similarity coefficient calculated from thirty cultivars analysis by ISSR was 0.529. In the RAPD analysis, a dendrogram also constructed using UPGMA from 134 fragments that were amplified by seven selected primers, divided the thirty cultivars into four main groups: 1) ‘Southern Blush’ 2) ‘Champion’ and ‘Marian-Seefurth’ 3) ‘Midori’ that seems to be distinct from other cultivars of group forth too. The similarity coefficient calculated from all thirty cultivars analysis by RAPD was 0.57. It is suggested both ISSR and RAPD markers are useful in current breeding program of Anthurium, and allowed to estimate the genetic similarity among genotypes as well as to identify cultivars. These quick and reliable molecular tools are useful in selecting the best parents and obtaining new combinations.

Key words:Anthurium, Breeding, ISSR, RAPD, Identification, Genetic similarity

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