
  • 學歷
  • 台灣大學農藝所博士
  • 簡歷
  • 農業試驗所農工系助理、助理研究員、副研究員、研究員
  • 專長
  • 農業氣象
  • 聯絡方式
  • 電話:886-4-23317715
A. 期刊論文
1. 姚銘輝。2022. 氣候變遷對農業生產的衝擊—解讀IPCC最新氣候評估報告(AR6)。技術服務季刊。33(2):25-29
2. 姚銘輝、徐永衡、陳永明。2022。天然災害預警情資整合作業之執行實務。農政與農情 364:43-49
3. 姚銘輝、李亭儀、柳再明,陳永明、呂椿棠。2022。農業防災體系及農作物早期災害預警平台。災害防救科技與管理學刊。11(2)
4. Chen T.H., M.H. Lee, I.W. Hsia, C.H. Hsu, M.H. Yao, and F.J. Chang. 2022.Develop a Smart Microclimate Control System for Greenhouses through System Dynamics and Machine Learning Techniques. Water 14,3941.https://doi.org/10.3390/w14233941
5. Tu, Y.K., C.E. Kuo, S.L. Fang , H.W. Chen , M.K. Chi, M.H. Yao and B.J. Kuo.2022. A 1D-SP-Net to Determine Early Drought Stress Status of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) with Imbalanced Vis/NIR Spectroscopy Data. Agriculture 2022, 12(2), 259; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12020259 (SCI)
6. Shih-Lun Fang , Ting-Jung Chang, Yuan-Kai Tu, Han-Wei Chen, Min-Hwi Yao and Bo-Jein Kuo . 2022. Plant-Response-Based Control Strategy for Irrigation and Environmental Controls for Greenhouse Tomato Seedling Cultivation. Agriculture 12(5), 633; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12050633 (SCI)
7. Parichart Promchote, Shih-Yu Simon Wang, Jin-Ho Yoon, Paul G. Johnson, Earl Creech, Yuan Shen, Ming-Hwi Yao. 2022. On the Changing Cool Season Affecting Rice Growth and Yield in Taiwan. Agronomy 12, 2625. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12112625
8. Shih-Lun Fang, Yu-Hsien Kuo, Le Kang, Chu-Chung Chen, Chih-Yu Hsieh, Min-Hwi Yao, Bo-Jein Kuo *. 2022. Using Sigmoid Growth Models to Simulate Greenhouse Tomato Growth and Development. Horticulturae 8, 1021. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae8111021
Pu-Yun Kow, Meng-Hsin Lee, Wei Sun, Ming-Hwi Yao, Fi-John Chang .2022. Integrate deep learning and physically-based models for multi-step-ahead microclimate forecasting. Expert Systems with Applications 210. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118481
Yao, M.H., H.C. Wang, Y.W. Chiu, H.C. Hsieh, T.H. Chang and Y.J. Lee. 2021. Integrating micro-weather forecasts and crop physiological indicators for greenhouse environmental control. Acta Hortic. 1327:445-454.
Tu, Y.K., H.W. Chen, S.L. Fang, M.H. Yao, Y.Y. Tseng and B.J. Kuo. 2021. Establishing of early discrimination methods for drought stress of tomato by using environmental parameters and NIR spectroscopy in greenhouse. Acta Hortic. 1311:501-511.
Yao M.H., H.S. Lur, C.H. Huang. 2020. Life cycle assessment of leafy vegetables consumption in urban Taipei, Taiwan. WIT Transactions 243:71-83
13. Yao, M.H., M.H. Li , J.Y. Juan, Y.J. Hsia , P.H. Lee, and Y. Shen.*.2017. Mapping reference evapotranspiration from meteorological satellite data and applications. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 28:501-515
14. Promchote, P., S.-Y. Wang, Y. Shen, P. G. Johnson, and M.-H. Yao. 2017. A seasonal prediction for the wet-cold spells leading to winter crop damage in northwestern Taiwan with a combined empirical-dynamical approach. International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.5194.
15. Ho, C.H., H.S. Lur, M.H. Yao, F.C. Liao, Y.T. Lin, N. Yagi, H.J. Lu. 2017. The impact on food security and future adaptation under climate variation: a case study of Taiwan’s agriculture and fisheries. Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Change pp 1-37
B. 研討會論文
1. Yao, M.H., H.C. Wang, Y.W. Chiu, H.C. Hsieh, T.H. Chang, Y.J. Lee. 2021. Integrating micro-weather forecasts and crop physiological indicators for greenhouse environmental control. 4th International Symposium on Horticulture in Europ
2. Yao, MH., HS Lur, YM Chen, HC Li,YH, Hsu,YC Liu. 2021. Adaptation to Agricultural Water Shortage in Taiwan –  A Case Study on Direct Seeding on Dry Field. Meeting for International Workshop on Adaptation Research for Climate Change in Asia.
3. Yao, M.H. 2021.Challenges and Adaptation for Rice Production under Climate Change in Taiwan.10th Asian Crop Science Association Conference (ACSAC 10)
4. Hsieh, H.C.; Chiu, Y.W.; Lin, Y.X., Yao, M.H. and Lee, Y.J. 2020. Local Precipitation Forecast with LSTM for Greenhouse Environmental Control. International Conference on Pervasive Artificial Intelligence 2020.
5. Yao, M.H., Y.H. Hsu , Y.C. Liu. 2019. Climate change risk assessments of potential corn production in Taiwan.2019 TCCIP International Workshop on Climate Change, Taipei, Taiwan
6. Yao, M.H., Y.H. Hsu, Y.C. Liu and H.S. Lur. 2019. Adaptation strategies of climate change impact on agricultural production in Taiwan. 3rd Agriculture and climate change conference. Budapest, Hungary
7. Tu, Y.K., H.W. Chen, S.L. Fang, M.H. Yao and B.J. Kuo. 2019. Establishment of early discrimination methods for drought stress of tomato by using environmental parameters and NIR spectroscopy in Greenhouse. VI International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain - Model-IT 2019, Bari, Italy
8. Yao, M.H. and Y.K. Tu. 2019. Development of the automatic control system and micro-mist cooling system of open-roof greenhouse. VI International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain - Model-IT 2019, Bari, Italy
9. Lur, H.S. and M.H. Yao. 2019. Assessing the Water–Energy–Food nexus of crop production under different cultivation systems. 2019 WFE Nexus International Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan
10. Yao, M.H., T.M. Leou, K.S. Chien, S.H. Chiang, E.C. Yang . Climate Information Service for the Prevention of Agriculture Disasters 2019 Asia Pacific Climate Service Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan
11. Hsu ,Y.H., Y.M. Chen , Y.C. Liu ,M.H. Yao*. 2019. Direct seeding on dry field as an option to mitigate the impact of climate change. 2019 TCCIP International Workshop on Climate Change, Taipei, Taiwan
12. Yao, M.H., Tzay-Ming Leou, Yung-Heng Hsu, Chi-ling Chen, Chun-Tang Lu. 2018. Developing disaster early warning system and adaptation strategies for crop production in Taiwan. Workshop of Strengthening the Prevention Strategies and Early Warning Systems of Agricultural Disasters Through Information and Communication Technology (ICT). , Taichung, Taiwan
13. Yao, M.H., Su-Szu Yang . 2018. Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to Model and Design a Preventative Application for Strong Wind. 20th International Conference on Natural disasters, Assessing Hazard and Risk, London
14. Yao, M.H., Yung-Heng Hsu, Yung-Ming Chen, Huu-Sheng Lur. 2018. Impact of Climate Change on Rice Production and Strategies for Adaptation in Taiwan. 15th annual meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Hawaii
15. Yao, M.H., Huu-Sheng Lur. 2018. Assessing the Water–Energy–Food nexus of cherry tomato production under different cultivation systems. World Food and Agriculture Conference. Stockholm
C. 考察任務及國際研討會
1. 環境控制農業之研習會(亞洲生產力組織;APO)。日本仙台。101年
2. 節能自動化設施球根花卉生產及運銷管理技術研習考察。荷蘭。101年
3. 多明尼加設施蔬菜健康管理與產品安全檢測計畫(國合會)。多明尼加。102年
4. 『設施農業升級及產業加值』考察計畫。日本東京。103年
5. 『氣候變遷調適科技整合研究計畫』移地研究。荷蘭。103年
6. 『印尼萬隆地區強化農企業培育發展計畫』考察(國合會)。印尼萬隆。104年
7. 第二屆全球糧食安全國際研討會(2nd Global Food Security 2015 Conference)。美國康乃爾。104年
8. 『農業試驗所與菲律賓農水產暨自然資源研究發展委員會之雙邊合作』。菲律賓。104年
9. 國際作物模式研討會(International Crop Modelling Symposium 2016)。德國柏林。105年
10. 「農業氣候變遷調適及災害風險管理研習會」(亞洲生產力組織;APO)。斯里蘭卡可倫坡。106年
11. 「聖克里斯多福及尼維斯氣候調適農業發展計畫」界定任務。聖克里斯多福及尼維斯。106年
12. 2018日本東京國際農業資材展。日本東京。107年
13. 國際參訪農業災害風險評估及減災策略(20th International Conference on Natural disasters, Assessing Hazard and Risk)國際合作計畫。英國倫敦。107年
14. 15th annual meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 。美國夏威夷。107年
15. 世界糧食及農業研討會(World Food and Agriculture Conference)。瑞典斯德哥爾摩。107年
16. 第三屆農業和氣候變化會議(3rd Agriculture and climate change conference)。匈牙利布達佩斯。108年
17. 第六屆模擬應用於園藝作物供應鏈國際研討會(6th International Symposium on Modeling in Horticultural Supply Chain)。義大利巴里。108年


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