
  • 學歷
  • 國立中興大學植物病理學系 學士
    國立中興大學植物病理學系 碩士
    台灣大學植物病理與微生物學系 博士
  • 簡歷
  • 農業試驗所鳳山分所植物保護系助理(1992年12月~1993年7月)
  • 專長
  • 植物病理
  • 聯絡方式
  • 電話:(05)2753220
  1. Cheng, Y. H., Chen, C. C., and Ni, H. F. 2001. Studies on growth media for green vegetable leafy sweet potato cultivation. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 50:1-11.
  2. Ni, H. F. , Chen, R. S., Wang, M. H., Tsay, T. T., and Cheng, Y. H. 2003. PCR-mediated detection of Meloidogyne spp. based on ribosomal internal transcribed spacer sequences. Taiwan Agric. Res. 52:1-13
  3. Ni, H. F. , Cheng, Y. H., Chen, R. S., Tsay, T. T., and Chen, D. Y. 2003. Discrimination of Xiphinema species from Taiwan by rDNA-RFLP analysis. Plant Pathol. Bull. 12:235-241.
  4. Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F. , Yen, J. H., Cheng, Y. H., and Tsay, T. T. 2004. Identification and variation of Xiphinema hunaniense populations from Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull. 13: 155-166.
  5. Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F. , Yen, J. H., Cheng, Y. H., and Tsay, T. T. 2005. Differentiation of the Xiphinema americanum- group nematodes X. brevicollum, X. incognitum, X. diffusum, and X. oxycaudatum in Taiwan by mophhometrics and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences. Nematology. 7(5):713-725.(SCI)
  6. Chen, D. Y., Chen, R. S., Yen, J. H., Tsay, T. T., and Ni, H. F. 2006. Species of spiral nematode and lance nematode (Nematoda: Hoplolaiminae) identified in Taiwan and Kinmen. Plant Pathol. Bull. 15: 25-38. (In Chinese with English abstract) (corresponding Author)
  7. Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F. , Yen, J. H., Chen. R. S., and Tsay, T. T. 2006. Distribution of rice root nematode Hirschmanniella oryzae and a new recorded H. mucronata( Nematoda: Pratylenchidae) in Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull. 15:197-210 . (In Chinese with English abstract)
  8. Chen. D. Y., Ni, H. F. , Yen, J. H., and Tsay, T. T. 2006. Identification of stunt nematode Tylenchorhynchus annulatus and a new recorded Tylenchorhynchus liveterminalis (Nematoda: Belonolaimidae) in Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull. 15:251-262. (In Chinese with English abstract)
  9. Chen, D. Y.,Ni, H. F. , Chen, R. S., Yen, J. H., and Tsay, T. T. 2006. Identification of spiral nematode (Nematoda: Rotylenchinae) collected from Taiwan and Kimmen. Plant Pathol. Bull. 15:153-169. (In Chinese with English abstract)
  10. Ni, H. F. , Hsu, S. L., and Yang, H. R. 2007. Evaluation of different method for inoculation for Pratylenchus coffeae on Yam. J. Taiwan Agri. Res. 56:99-106.
  11. Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F. , and Tsay, T. T. 2007. Identification of a new recorded stunt nematode Tylenchorhynchus zeae (Nematoda: Belonolanmidae) in Taiwan. Plant pathol. Bull. 16:79-86.
  12. Wang, H. L., Chen, P. H, Ni, H. F. , and Chen, R. S. 2007. Physiological characterization and screen of control chemicals for Lasiodiplodia theobromae of papaya. Plant Pathol. Bull. 16:71-77.
  13. Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F. , Yen, J. H., and Tsay, T. T. 2007. Identification of a new recorded pin nematode, Paratylenchus lepidus, (Nematoda: Criconematoidea, Tylenchulidae) among tea plantations in Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull. 14:41-46
  14. Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F. , Yen, J. H., and Tsay, T. T. 2007. Identification of Hemicriconemoides kanayaensis and H. californianus(Nematoda: Circinematoidea, Criconematidae) among tea plantations in Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull. 16:181-192.
  15. Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F. , Tsay, T. T., and Yen, J. H. 2008. Idenntification of Gracilacus bilineata and G. aculenta (Nematoda: Criconematoidea, Tylenchulidae) among Bamboo plantation in Taiwan. Plant Pathology Bull. 17:209-220.
  16. Ni, H. F. , Chen, R. S., Chang, S. F., and Yang, H. R. 2008. First report of Lasiodiplodia fruit rot of Jackfruit in Taiwan. Plant Dis. 92:1137.(SCI).
  17. Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F. , Yen, J. H., and Tsay, T. T..2009. Identification of a new recorded pin nematode Paratylenchus minutus (Nematoda: Criconematoidea, Tylenchulidae) in Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull. 18: 167-174.
  18. Chen,D. Y., Ni, H. F. , Yen, J. H., Wu, W. S., and Tsay, T. T. 2009. Identification of root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans and P. loosi (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae) from strawberry and tea plantations in Taiwan. Plant pathol. Bull. 18: 247-262.
  19. Ni, H. F. , Liou, R. F., Hung, T. H., Chen, R. S., and Yang, H. R. 2009. First report of a fruit rot disease of Avocado caused by Neofusicoccum mangiferae. Plant Dis. 93:760. (SCI)
  20. Ni, H. F. , Hsu, S. L., Chen, R. S., and Yang, H. R. 2010. Screening of Trichoderma spp. from soils in Taiwan for antagonism on fungal plant pathogens. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 59: 29-41.
  21. Ni, H. F. , Lai, S. Y., Chang, S. F., Yang, H. R. 2010. Evaluation of reproduction of Pratylenchus coffeae on Yam (Discorea spp.) in vitro culture. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 59:42-48.
  22. Ni, H. F. , Liou, R. F., Hung, T. H., Chen, R. S., Yang, H. R. 2010. First report of fruit rot disease of mango caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea and Neofusicoccum mangiferae in Taiwan. 94: 128(SCI).
  23. Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F. , Tasy, T. T., and Chen, R. S. 2011. Differentiation of Hemicriconemoides mangiferae and H. litchi based on morphometrics and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences. Nematology 13:165-175 (SCI).
  24. Ni, H. F. , Chuang, S. L. Hsu, S. Y. Lai,and H. R. Yang. 2011. Survey of Botryosphaeria spp., causal agents of postharvest disease of avocado, in Taiwan. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 60:157-166.
  25. Chuang, M. F., Ni, H. F. , Yang, H. R., Shu, S. L., Lai, S. Y. and Jiang, Y. L. 2012. First Report of Stem Canker Disease of Pitaya (Hylocereus undatus and H. polyrhizus) Caused by Neoscytalidium dimidiatum in Taiwa. Plant Dis. 96(6): 906. (SCI)
  26. Ni, H. F. , Yang, H. R., Chen, R. S., Hung, T. H and Liou, R. F. 2012. A nested multiplex PCR for species-specific identification and detection of Botryosphaeriaceae species on mango. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 133:819–828. (SCI)
  27. Ni, H. F. , Yang, H. R., Chen, R. S., Liou, R. F. and Hung, T. H. 2012. New Botryosphaeriaceae fruit rot of mango in Taiwan: identification and pathogenicity. Botanical Studies 53: 467-478. (SCI)
  28. Huang, C. W., Chuang, M. F., Tzean, S. S., Yang, H. R. and Ni, H. F. 2012. Occurrence of Foot Rot Disease of Sweet Potato Caused by Phomopsis destruens in Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull. 21: 47-52.29
  29. Huang, C. W., Tsai, J. R., Ann, P. J., Ni, H. F. and Yang, H. R. 2013. Evaluation of recommended fungicides for the control Peronophythora fruit downy blight of lychee. Plant Pathol. Bull. 22:339-352.
  30. Ni, H. F. , C. W. Huang, S. L. Hsu, S. Y. Lai, and H. R. Yang. Pathogen characterization and fungicide screening of stem canker of pitaya. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 62(3):225–234.
  31. Ni, H. F. , Huang, C. W., Liou, R. F., Hung, T. S., Yang, H. R. 2014. Effect of hot water treatment on the control of mango fruit rot disease. Plant Pathol. Bull. 23:125-138
  32. Huang, C. W., H. R. Yang, C. Y. Lin, S. L. Hsu, S. Y. Lai, W. C. Ko, and Ni, H. F. 2015. Survey and fungicides screening for mango postharvest disease caused by Phomopsis mangiferae. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 64(1):21–31. (corresponding author)
  33. Ni, H. F., Huang, C. W., and Yang, H. R. 2015. First report of citrus Alternaria brown spot caused by Alternaria alternata in Taiwan. Plant Dis. 99:1864.
  34. Huang, C. W., Yang, H. R., Lin. C. Y., Hsu, S. L., Lai, S. Y., and Ni, H. F. 2016. The study of physiological and control of Phomopsis destruens causing foot rot of sweet potato. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 65:45–63. (corresponding author)
  35. Huang, C. W., Yang, H. R., Lin. C. Y., Hsu, S. L., Ko, W. C., and Ni, H. F. 2017 Screening of fungicides for foot rot of sweet potato caused by Phomopsis destruens. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 66:66-73. (corresponding author)
  36. Huang, C. W., Yang, H. R., Lin, C. Y., Hsu, S. L., Lai, S. Y., Ko, W. C., and Ni, H. F..2017. Circular spot of Sweet potato caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in Taiwan. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 66:158-166. (corresponding author)
  37. Lin, C. Y., Huang, C. W., Yang, H. R., Lai, S. Y., and Ni, H. F. 2017. A method for the specific detection of Phomopsis destruens in sweet potato by PCR. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 66(4):276–285. (corresponding author)
  38. Ni, H. F., Huang, C. W., Wu, C. J., Yang, H. R., Lin, C. Y., Chang, J. Y., and Chang J. W. 2017. First report of pepper spot disease of lychee caused by Colletotrichum siamense in Taiwan. J. of Plant Pathol. 99: 808. (SCI)
  39. Huang, C. W., Wu, C. J., Yang, H. R., Lai, S. Y., and Ni. H. F. 2018. Physiological characteristics, pathogenicity and fungicide screening of citrus Alternaria brown spot disease caused by Alternaria alternata. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 67(4):387-400. (corresponding author)
  40. Lin, C. Y., Ni, H. F., Huang, C. W. 2018. First report of common scab on potato caused by Streptomyces europaeiscabiei in Taiwan. 102(4):818.
  41. Wu, C. J., Yang, H. R., Lin, C.Y. Huang, C. W., Lai, S. Y., and Ni, H. F. 2019 Study of sweet potato storage disease and etiology. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 68 (1):28-39. (corresponding author)
  42. Liang, Y. P., Lin, C. Y., Wu, C. J., and Ni, H. F. 2019. Evaluation of control efficacy of phosphorous acid against sweet potato foot rot. J. Taiwan Agric Res. 68 (4 ):305-314. (corresponding author)
  43. Lin, C. Y., Ni, H. F., and Lin, H. J. 2020. Identification and evaluation of antagonistic actinobacteria on controlling potato common scab. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 69(1):1–10.
  44. Ni, H. F., Lin, C. Y., and Wu, C. J. 2020. Etiology and fungicide screening of coffee brown eye spot disease. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 69(3):241–245.
  45. Ni, H. F., Hsu, S. L., Lai, S. Y., Chang, S. F., and Lin, C. Y. 2021. Evaluation of control efficacy of 4-4 bordeaux mixture against coffee rust. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 70(1):43–53. (corresponding author)
  46. Liang, Y. P., Wu, C. J., Tsai, H. W., and Ni, H. F. 2021. Avocado branch canker disease caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae in Taiwan. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 70:81-97. (corresponding author)
  47. Liang, Y. P., and Ni, H. F. 2021. Current research status and prospects of pineapple fruitlet core rot. J. Plant Med. 63:13-16. (corresponding author)
  48. Lai, Y. R., Lin, C. H., Chang, C. P., Ni, H. F., Tsai, W. S., Huang , C. J. 2021. Distribution of copper resistance gene variants of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri and Xanthomonas euvesicatoria pv. perforans. Plant Protection Science 57:206-216.
  49. Huang, C. J., Wu, T. L., Zheng, P. X., Ou, J. Y., Ni, H. F., and Lin, Y. C. 2021. Comparative genomic analysis uncovered evolution of pathogenicity factors, horizontal gene transfer events, and heavy metal Resistance traits in citrus canker bacterium Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri. Frontiers in Microbiology 12:731711.
  50. Liang, Y. P., and Ni, H. F. 2021. Current research status and prospects of pineapple fruitlet core rot. J. Plant Med. 63:13-16. (corresponding author)
  51. Wu, C. J., S. L. Hsu, M. C. Lin, and H. F. Ni. 2022. Study of endophytic Colletotrichum spp. in coffee leaves in Taiwan. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 71(3): 243-266
  52. Wu, C. J., M. C. Lin, and H. F. Ni. 2023. Colletotrichum species causing anthracnose disease on avocado fruit in Taiwan. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 165: 629–647.
  53. Liang, Y. P. and Ni, H. F. 2023. The effect of different phosphite spray formulas on phytotoxicity and phosphite uptake of avocado and control efficacy against Phytophthora root rot. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 72(2):81–96.
  54. Liang, Y. P., Lin, K. Y., Lai, S. Y., and Ni, H. F. 2023. Rapid identification and characterization of pineapple fruitlet core rot pathogens on the ‘TN20’ cultivar in Taiwan. Eur. J. Plant Pathol.
  55. Po-Hung Chen and Hui-Fang Ni. 2023. The review on integrated pest management of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei. J. Plant Med. 65(1): 9-20.
  56. Chen, P. H., Y. P. Liang, and H. F. Ni. 2023. Natural occurrence and selection of Beauveria bassiana isolates in coffee berry borers in Taiwan. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 72(3):219–236.
  1. 陳瑞祥、倪蕙芳 。2006。植物病原線蟲之分子檢測。作物病害管理研討會專刊。105-112頁。
  2. 倪蕙芳 、楊宏仁、呂明長。2007。山藥病原線蟲簡介。第13 期。63-64頁。動植物防檢疫季刊。80頁。
  3. Ni, H. F., Yang, H. R., and Chen, R. S. 2008. Multiplex PCR for simultaneous detection of major fungal pathogens on mango fruits in Taiwan. ICPP.
  4. 倪蕙芳 、楊宏仁。2009。台灣檬果病害之研究。2009兩岸植物病理研討會(中國杭州)
  5. 倪蕙芳 、楊宏仁、劉瑞芬、洪挺軒。2011。檬果蒂腐及果腐病病原鑑定及其田間感染源之研究。2009兩岸植物病理研討會 (台北)
  6. Ni, H. F., Hung, T. H., and Liou, R. F. 2012 . Study on Mango Fruit Rot Caused by Botryosphaeriaceae. 中華民國植物病理102 年年會。
  7. 倪蕙芳 、楊宏仁、黃巧雯、林靜宜、林筑蘋、安寶貞、蔡志濃。2015。紅龍果莖潰瘍病病原特性及防治研究。台灣紅龍果生產技術改進研討會專刊。81-91頁。
  8. 黃巧雯、楊宏仁、林靜宜、許淑麗、倪蕙芳 。2015。甘藷基腐病之發生、病原鑑定及防治。台灣新浮現之重要作物病害及其防治研討會專刊。87-98頁。
  9. Lin, C. P., Ni, H. F., Ann, P. J., Yang, H. R., Huang, J. W., Chuang, M. F., Shu , S. L., Lai, S. Y., Jiang, Y. L., and Tsay, J. N.. 2015. Pathogen Identification and Management of Pitaya Canker and Soft Rot in Taiwan。Workshop on Improving Pitaya Production and Marketing。
  10. Liang, Y. P. and Ni, H. F. 2023. The in vitro and in vivo phosphite sensitivity of Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates from avocado orchards in Taiwan. 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. (abstract)
  1. 倪蕙芳、楊宏仁。物理防治。台灣有機農業技術要覽。188-190pp.
  2. 梁鈺平、陳柏宏、賴柏羽、倪蕙芳。2021。甘藷重要病蟲害簡介與防治管理策略。7–25頁。校園午餐常用作物安全生產手冊 (李翎竹編輯)。行政院農業委員會農業藥物毒物試驗所出版。臺中。
  3. 梁鈺平、陳柏宏、賴柏羽、倪蕙芳。2021。葉用甘藷重要病蟲害簡介與防治管理策略。80–95頁。校園午餐常用作物安全生產手冊 (李翎竹編輯)。行政院農業委員會農業藥物毒物試驗所出版。臺中。
  4. 陳柏宏、倪蕙芳、蔡惠文、吳昭蓉、梁鈺平。2023。開箱酪梨學-台灣酪梨從種到吃的完全入門 (陳柏宏、倪蕙芳編輯)。農業部農業試驗所嘉義農業試驗分所出版。嘉義。48頁。
  1. 倪蕙芳、楊宏仁、呂明長。2007。山藥病原線蟲簡介。第13 期。63-64頁。動植物防檢疫季刊。80頁。
  2. 陳殿義、楊宏仁、倪蕙芳。2003。山藥乾腐病之發生及其防治方法。農業試驗所技術服務專刊。
  3. 安寶貞、蔡志濃、楊宏仁。倪蕙芳。2010。檬果病害之簡介與綜合管理。植物保護通報。25:1-12。
  4. 黃巧雯、倪蕙芳、楊宏仁。2012。安全用藥。荔枝與木瓜病蟲害管理手冊。59-67。
  5. 黃宣文、黃巧雯、黃守宏、倪蕙芳。2012。安全用藥。柑橘病蟲害管理手冊。農業試驗所特刊第166號。33-42。
  6. 倪蕙芳、莊明富、黃巧雯、楊宏仁。2012。紅龍果莖潰瘍病及其防治簡介。植物病蟲 害防治摺頁51。
  7. 楊宏仁、倪蕙芳、黃巧雯。2013。甘藷基腐病簡介與防治。甘藷健康管理手冊。農業試驗所特刊第163號。26-30。
  8. 黃巧雯、倪蕙芳、楊宏仁。2014。鳳梨重要病害簡介。鳳梨健康管理生產體系與關鍵技術交流觀摩技術手冊。25-30。
  9. 倪蕙芳、黃巧雯、林靜宜、楊宏仁。2015。甘藷重要真菌性病害及甘藷健康種苗作業流程簡介摺頁。
  10. 梁鈺平、王泰權、倪蕙芳、林清山。2019。台灣酪梨園小蠹蟲發生概況與防治。技服季刊118:15-21。
  11. 林靜宜、黃哲倫、倪蕙芳。2019。影響馬鈴薯瘡痂病發生要素與防治策略。農業世界雜誌。433期 P.38-41。
  12. 倪蕙芳、吳昭蓉、梁鈺平。2021。柑橘褐斑病的發生與防治。技術服務季刊127:14-17。
  1. 陳瑞祥、楊淨棉、馮雅智、倪蕙芳、鄭安秀。2001。柑桔潰瘍病菌檢測用 PCR 引子之設計與測試。中華民國植物病理學會90年年會。
  2. 倪蕙芳、程永雄、王美華、陳瑞祥、蔡東纂。2001。利用木黴菌防治根瘤線蟲之效果評估。中華民國植物病理學會90年年會。
  3. 倪蕙芳、程永雄、王美華、陳瑞祥、蔡東纂、吳信郁。2001。利用RAPD技術及r-DNA序列鑑別植物根瘤線蟲。中華民國植物病理學會90年年會。
  4. 王佑文、陳瑞祥、倪蕙芳。2001。拮抗性木黴菌抗生物質特性分析。中華民國真菌學會90年年會。
  5. 楊宏仁、柯文琪、王榮傑、倪蕙芳。2004。利用枝條組織分離法探討檬果蒂腐病菌之殘存。中華民國植物病理學會93年年會。
  6. 倪蕙芳, Chen, R. S., and Yang, H. R.。2005。A multiplex PCR for the detection of major pathogens on mango. 中華民國植物病理學會94年年會。
  7. 倪蕙芳、楊宏仁、陳瑞祥。2008。檬果蒂腐病之發生與病原鑑定。中華民國植物病理98 年年會。
  8. 倪蕙芳、楊宏仁。2010。檬果果腐病Botryosphaeria 屬病原鑑定及防治藥劑篩選。中華民國植物病理99 年年會。
  9. 黃巧雯、倪蕙芳、楊宏仁。2012。甘藷基腐病病原特性及防治初報。中華民國植物病理100 年年會。
  10. 黃巧雯、倪蕙芳、楊宏仁、曾顯雄。2013。酪梨葉片上新興病害之研究初報。中華民國植物病理 101 年年會。
  11. 黃巧雯、倪蕙芳、林靜宜、許淑麗、賴素玉、楊宏仁。擬莖點霉屬真菌引起之檬果果腐病發生情形及防治藥劑篩選。中華民國植物病理 102年年會。
  12. 黃巧雯、倪蕙芳、林靜宜、楊宏仁。甘藷基腐病防治藥劑篩選。植物病理會刊。中華民國植物病理 103年年會。
  13. 林靜宜、黃巧雯、陳幸葵、倪蕙芳。陰乾處理馬鈴薯薯塊對青枯病發病之影響與青枯病拮抗菌的初步篩選。中華植物病理學會103年年會。
  14. 林靜宜、黃巧雯、陳幸葵、楊宏仁、倪蕙芳。2016。利用亞磷酸防治馬鈴薯青枯病之效果初步評估。中華植物病理學會104年年會。
  15. 林靜宜、林慧如、楊宏仁、倪蕙芳。2017。水楊酸防治馬鈴薯青枯病效果評估。中華植物病理學會105年年會。
  16. 林靜宜、林慧如、倪蕙芳。2018。馬鈴薯瘡痂病之土壤拮抗菌篩選。106年中華植物保護學會。
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