Instructions to authors

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  • Instructions to authors (May 31, 2024) Download PDF:JTAR-Instructions to Authors-2024.05.31.pdf


All the manuscripts should be prepared under strict observation of research by following research ethics. Scientific misconducts relevant to research activities include fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, including inappropriate authors, in the process of proposing, performing, and publishing the research. “Fabrication” refers to the acts which produce false information without experimental data or findings. “Falsification” refers to the acts which artificially manipulate, modify, omit or change data and results on purpose. “Plagiarism” refers to the acts which pirate others idea, research contents and research results without justifiable approvals or quotations. Inappropriate authors mean to include an individual’s name as an author who has not contributed significantly to either the research or contents of a paper as a token of gratitude or for reason of honorable treatment, or not to grant authorship to a person who has academically contributed to research contents or results, without right reason. Also, deliberate interference in procedure for the investigation of misconduct in research and deviation from commonly accepted practices within the scientific community are included in unfair research activities.

The Journal follows the Code of Conduct ( of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (, and follows the COPE Flowcharts ( for resolving cases of suspected misconduct. JTAR will investigate “Plagiarism” by using Similarity Check or help to undertake further necessary action via the COPE. If you take notice of any unethical irregularities to the JTAR content, please get in touch with Editorial Office. It is highly recommended that the authors pursue individual “Plagiarism” check and attach the similarity report, before manuscript submission, by using a specific program provided by their own institutes or a free text similarity service. Any scientific misconducts and issues relevant to research ethics will be preliminarily investigated in the JTAR Editorial Office and reported to the “Research Ethics Committee” for Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute.


Authorship credit should be based on (1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; (3) final approval of the version to be published; and (4) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Each author should meet these four conditions. Individuals who provide assistance, reagents or critique the paper, need not be listed as authors, but may be recognized in the Acknowledgments section.

Any requests for such changes in authorship (adding author(s), removing author(s), or re-arranging the order of authors) after the initial manuscript submission and before publication should be explained in writing to the editor in a letter or e-mail from all authors. This letter must be signed by all authors of the paper.


TAuthors must submit a manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief through The iPress submission website( All text, including tables, should be submitted in word processing documents, preferably in Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx), and figures should be uploaded in TIFF, EPS, JPG, or PPT format. Minimum resolutions for figures are as follows: 300 dpi for color and 600 dpi for grayscale or combination art (lettering and images). Each manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter from the corresponding author who outlines the significance of the findings of the manuscript. Authors may recommend individuals to review the manuscript, and they may ask that certain individuals do not review the manuscript. Reason requesting exclusions should be given in the cover letter.


The most desirable plan for the organization of a paper is as follows: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, and References. If available, Supplementary data files can be uploaded. In the case of data sets too large for inclusion in the manuscript, complete data sets must be uploaded as electronic Supplementary data file. Results and Discussion sections can be combined. Before submitted your manuscript, please see the instructions to authors (please see JTAR_instructions to authors.pdf)


The author(s) will receive the final version of the manuscript as a PDF file. Upon receipt, the author(s) must notify the editorial office (or printing office) of any errors found in the file within 2 days. If the response is delayed, the manuscript’s publication may be postponed to the next issue.

To correct errors in published articles, the corresponding author should contact the journal’s Editorial Office with a detailed description of the proposed correction. Corrections that profoundly affect the interpretation or conclusions of the article will be reviewed by the editors. Corrections will be published as corrigenda (corrections of the author’s errors) or errata (corrections of the publisher’s errors) in a later issue of the journal.


There are no submission charges for JTAR. Color page will be charged by printer, Ainosco Press,


All articles can be freely printed and distributed after downloading the full-text versions for non-commercial use. All contents of the journal are available immediately after publication.

  • Editorial Office: Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research
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