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Effects of Temperature on Development and Reproduction of the Rove Beetle, Paederus fuscipes Curtis, Feeding on Nilaparvata lugens (Stal)

Author:Shou-Horng Huang, Ching-Huan Cheng, and Po-Hung Chen*


    The rove beetle, Paederus fuscipes Curtis, can predate many species of insects, and is an important natural enemy against insect pests in paddy field. This study was conducted to evaluate the life history parameters of the rove beetle by incubating at 15, 20, 25 and 30℃ . The results showed that the shortest developmental periods of egg, larval and pupal stages at 30℃ were 3.6, 11.6 and 3.0 d, respectively, whereas the threshold temperatures of development were 8.8, 9.4 and 12.3℃. The sums of effective accumulated temperature were 73.4, 232.6 and 53.8 day-degree, respectively. The fecundity was highest (190.8 eggs/female) at 25℃, whereas the average of egg-laid was highest (2.2–2.4 eggs/female) at 25℃ and 30℃. The consumed numbers of brown planthopper nymphs were highest at 25℃ for larvae and adult males. There were 37.6 of 1st instar nymphs and 202.2 of 3rd instar nymphs respectively. However, for the female, the highest consumed numbers were 257.2 and 279.8 of 3rd instar nymphs at 20℃ and 25℃. The highest daily consumed numbers for larvae and adult females were 2.6 and 3.5 at 25℃, respectively. Therefore, our results suggest that the optimal temperature is around 25–30℃ for the development and reproduction of P. fuscipes local populations.

Key words:Paederus fuscipes Curtis, Temperature, Development, Reproduction

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