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A New Variety of Pineapple [Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.] ‘TN21 Golden’
The plant appearance and characteristics of fruit of pineapple ‘TN21’ (C75-2-25). (A) Leaf margin was stingless, leaf color was light green and fruit pedicle was short. (B) The growth vigor was strong. (C) The fruit shape was cylindrical and the peel color of mature fruit was yellow in green. (D) The peel was slightly thick, the locule was shallow, the pulp color was golden and the pulp texture was dense.
The plant appearance and characteristics of fruit of pineapple ‘TN21’ (C75-2-25). (A) Leaf margin was stingless, leaf color was light green and fruit pedicle was short. (B) The growth vigor was strong. (C) The fruit shape was cylindrical and the peel color of mature fruit was yellow in green. (D) The peel was slightly thick, the locule was shallow, the pulp color was golden and the pulp texture was dense.

Author:Chia-Hui Tang, Meng-Hsun Tsai, Hui-Wen Tsai, and Ching-San Kuan*


    A new pineapple variety ‘Tainung No.21 Golden’ has been selected and released by the Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Branch, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute in June 2005. The ‘Tainung No.21 Gold’ pineapple fruits were in medium size (1.34 kg on average), cylindrical shape, with a yellow peel at edible ripe stage. The pulp was soft, close texture, juicy, yellow to intense yellow, with high sugar content (18.9 ºBrix on average) and intermediate to high acidity. This cultivar was not occurred stem-end splitting, pineapple core rupture and cracking peel. Fruits were harvested from April to November yearly.

Key words:‘TN21’, Golden pineapple, Breeding

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