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Genetic Analysis on the Yield and Agronomic Characters of Super-Sweet Corn (Zea mays L.)
Mean squares from the analysis of variance for plant and ear characters of the diallel cross set.
Mean squares from the analysis of variance for plant and ear characters of the diallel cross set.

Author:Shao-Kuo Liu and Guang-Jauh Shieh*


    This study used 9 maize inbreeds and 36 crossing combination (F1) by half dialed to analyze the genetic background of yield and agronomic traits by the Hayman’s method. The parents of 9 inbreds are 4 tropic and 5 temperate type. The agronomic traits included days to tasselings, days to silkings, plant height, ear height, stalk diameter, total leaf number, leaf area per plant, ear fresh weight with husk, ear fresh weight, ear length, and ear diameter. The results showed that vegetable characters were controlled by additive and dominant effects, and dominant effect was more important than additive effect. Average dominant effect of gene action was mostly overdominant, and there were 4–6 groups of dominant genes to control all the agronomic traits, and the dominant genes were the increasing effects. Days to tasseling and days to silking were co-controlled by additive and dominant effects, and additive effect was more important than dominant effect. Hence, those two traits were easily affected by environment, there were 3–5 dominant gene groups controlling the traits of days to tasseling and days to silking, and the dominant genes were the decreasing effect. Ear fresh weight with husk and ear fresh weight characters were controlled by additive-dominance gene, and dominant effect was more important than additive effect, which were controlled by 5–6 and 3–4 dominant gene groups, and they were overdominant. Ear length and ear diameter characters were controlled by additive-dominance gene, which were controlled by 5–6 and 3–4 dominant gene groups ,and dominant effect was more important than additive effect, and they were overdominant, and the dominant genes were the increasing effects.

Key words:Super sweet corn, Diallel cross, Genetic components, Gene effects

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