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Study on Water Resistance and Persistence of Trapping Effectiveness of an Oriental Fruit Fly Dry-Form Bait
Wash-off rates and residual toxicities of the oriental fruit fly dry-form bait after being immersed in water for various durations.
Wash-off rates and residual toxicities of the oriental fruit fly dry-form bait after being immersed in water for various durations.

Author:Yaw-Jen Dong and Chien-Chung Chen*


    The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), is a serious pest of many vegetable and fruit crops in Taiwan. This study was conducted to evaluate the water resistance and trapping effectiveness of a dry-form bait to the oriental fruit fly. Studies were conducted by immersing the baits in water or exposing the baits in the outdoors for different periods, testing the residual trapping effectiveness of the baits to the flies. The results showed that residual weights maintained about 50% after 8 h of immersion in water and its trapping effectiveness remained the same for 8 weeks. This suggests that this dry-form bait is promising for incorporation into the fruit fly integrated pest management programs.

Key words:Bactrocera dorslais, Bait, Water resistance, Fruit fly control, Integrated pest management

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