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Development of Primers for Detection of Whiteflies Carrying Leaf Curl Disease: Causing Agents
Agarose gel analysis showing the amplification products obtained by PCR with CP1up/dw and SLCVup/dw. Detection of begomovirus from virus-infected plant leaf tissue (A) and whitefly fed on the virus-infected plant (B) by PCR. Lane 1: squash
Agarose gel analysis showing the amplification products obtained by PCR with CP1up/dw and SLCVup/dw. Detection of begomovirus from virus-infected plant leaf tissue (A) and whitefly fed on the virus-infected plant (B) by PCR. Lane 1: squash

Author:Ying-Huey Cheng, Han-Chao Lin, and Feng-Chyi Lin*


    A viral disease caused by Squash leaf curl Philippines virus (SLCPHV), a begomoviurs transmitted by Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, is one of the most popular and serious diseases in muskmelon cultivation during the last decade in the central and southern Taiwan. In addition to SLCPHV, there are many begomoviruses transmitted by whitefly in Taiwan. Polymerrase chain reaction (PCR) assay with degenerated primers has been widely used for general detection of begomoviruses. The degenerated primer pairs CP1up/dw were designed based on the capsid protein gene of recorded begomoviruses in Taiwan and could amplify the viral DNA fragment of ca. 500 bp. The other degenerated primer pairs SLCVup/dw were designed to specifically target capsid protein gene of SLCPHV and Tomato leaf curl New Dali virus, i.e., two causing agents of squash leaf curl disease in Taiwan, and could amplify the viral DNA fragment of ca. 250 bp. In field survey of whitefly infection rate, results indicated that detection with CP1up/dw resulted in higher positive ratio than SLCVup/dw. Viruliferous whieflies could be detected with primer pairs CP1up/dw rather than with SLCVup/dw. Results showed that whitefly carried other begomovirus instead of SLCPHV. Comparison with CP1up/dw, the primer pairs SLCVup/dw possessed higher sensitivity and accuracy and therefore, they were more suitable for inspection of squash leaf curl disease and infection rate of B. argentifolii.

Key words:Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, Squash leaf curl Phillipines virus (SLCPHV), Cucurbits, Primer

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