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Development of a New Powdery Mildew Resistant Hybrid of Melon (Cucumis melo L.), ‘Tainung No. 2’
Comparison of fruit external and longitudinal sections of the new melon hybrid TARI-M-104 and its parental lines. (A) TARI-M-104, (B) M15033 (P<sub>1</sub>), and (C) TARI-08874 (P<sub>2</sub>).
Comparison of fruit external and longitudinal sections of the new melon hybrid TARI-M-104 and its parental lines. (A) TARI-M-104, (B) M15033 (P1), and (C) TARI-08874 (P2).

Author:Yu-Hua Wang*, Keng-Peng Chang, Jin-Hsing Huang, and His-Chia Wu


    Aim in breeding of a new melon (Cucumis melo L.) hybrid with high level of resistance against powdery mildew (PM) caused by Podosphaera xanthii race 1, a total of 6 green fleshed inbred lines developed by Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute were evaluated for their resistance against PM and major fruit traits. The disease reaction of PM was evaluated by the method of leaf disk inoculation and resistance performance in the field. In addition, the fruit characters evaluated for the new resistance hybrid include fruit shape, size, rind netting, flesh thickness and sugar level. Based on the results of above mentioned characters, two resistant inbred lines, M15033 and TARI-08874, were selected as female and male parents, respectively, and by crossing M15033 and TARI-08874 to develop a hybrid, TARI-M-104, followed by a series of regional tests. The plant variety right of the hybrid TARI-M-104 has been approved and published in Taiwan, which is named ‘Tainung No. 2’. ‘Tainung No. 2’ is resistant to P. xanthii race 1 but not resistant to race 5. It has an average fruit weight of 1,300 g, soluble solids content 13.2°Brix, and green flesh and attractive rind netting. The flesh thickness is about 4.0 cm. Furthermore, the external color of ‘Tainung No. 2’ will turn to golden yellow with excellent fragrance after maturity. This new PM resistant variety has the potential for greenhouse production.

Key words:Cucumis melo, Breeding, Podosphaera xanthii

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