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Evaluation of Different Method for Inoculation for Pratylenchus coffeae on Yam
Disease symptoms of tubers of different yam cultivars attacked by Pratylenchus coffeae. (A) Yam from Chiayi market, (B)Tainung No.5 (Hong Long), (C) Ming Jian Hong, and (D) Chiayi local cultivar.
Disease symptoms of tubers of different yam cultivars attacked by Pratylenchus coffeae. (A) Yam from Chiayi market, (B)Tainung No.5 (Hong Long), (C) Ming Jian Hong, and (D) Chiayi local cultivar.

Author:Hui-Fang Ni, Shu-Li Hsu and Hong-Ren Yang*


    The root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus coffeae first appeared on yams in Taiwan in 2001 and the disease has become an important limiting factor for yams production since that on. According to our field survey, the nematode attacked many yam cultivars, including Zhoung-Pu-Yuan-Sheng-line 2, Tainung No. 5 (Hong Long), Yang Ming Shan bai-pi-bai-rou, Da Shan, Zih-Yu-Xie-Shu, and Min-Jian-Chang-Hong, as well as several local varieties of Jia Sian, Yu Jing, Shan Lin and Mei Shan. In order to select a suitable method for root nematode inoculation study, three different methods were tested and evaluated. The inoculation sources used in the three methods were nematode suspension, nematode infested yam peels, nematode infested yam peel suspension. Results showed that both methods by inoculating seedlings with nematode-infected diseased-tuber peels or blended diseased peel suspension were better than the method using nematode suspension as inoculum. The population densities of P. coffeae in the tubers of yam Tainung No.5 and Da Shan in the former two treatments were much higher than the latter treatment 3 months after inoculation. Furthermore, inoculation with unblended diseased tuber peels is more convenient and less time consuming than the other two methods. Therefore, the diseased peel inoculation method is suitable for use in screen of yam cultivars resistant to root nematodes and other inoculation studies.

Key words:Inoculation method, Root-lesion nematode (Partylenchus coffeae), Yams

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