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A New Litchi Cultivar ‘Tainung No. 5 (Ruby)’
The plant appearance of litchi
The plant appearance of litchi"tainung No.5" (A) the leaflet color is light green, (B) the fruiting is not a problem, (C) the inflorescence is short and sparse, (D) the leaflet blade shape is lanceolate, (E) the attitude of splitting stigma is rolling.

Author:Jer-Way Chang*, Chung-Ruey Yen, Wan-Ling Wang, and Mau-Nan Lu


    ‘Tainung No. 5 (Ruby)’ litchi, a new cultivar which was selected from the progeny of ‘Fay Zee Siu’ (female parent) in 1989, has been released in December, 2008 by the Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), Taiwan.  ‘Tainung No. 5 (Ruby)’ produces abundant yield (more than 12 t/ha of 5-year-old trees) of fruit that weigh around 18-20 g with long cordate shape, bright red peel color, protruding protuberance and unobvious suture.  In addition, there are two attractive characteristics in ‘Tainung No. 5 (Ruby)’ when it is compared with other main commercially available litchi cultivars: (1) it bears the fruit that have 50% to 80% of shriveled seeds; and (2) its cropping is regular.  Fruit were harvested from late June to early July, about 7-14 days later than ‘Hak Yip’, which is currently the most planted cultivar in Taiwan.  However, its ripening season could be forced to late May at Pingtung, which located in southern Taiwan, once suitable cultivation practices are used.

Key words:Litchi, Tainung No. 5, Ruby, Breeding

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