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Study on Growing Media for Growth and Development of Angraecum sesquipedale
The growth perfomance of Angraecum sesquipedale after growing in different media for 12 months. (left→right) bark: tree-fern:satsuma (1:1:1), bark:tree-fern (2:1), peat moss: perlite(2:1), artifical texile fiber, sphagnum moss.
The growth perfomance of Angraecum sesquipedale after growing in different media for 12 months. (left→right) bark: tree-fern:satsuma (1:1:1), bark:tree-fern (2:1), peat moss: perlite(2:1), artifical texile fiber, sphagnum moss.

Author:Rung-Yi Wu* and Yen-Hsu Lai


    Angraecum sesquipedale is an epiphytic orchid originated to Madagascar.  The species belong to genus Angraecum in the fanily Orchidaceae.  It is famous for its long spur.  The species can be crossed with Phalaenopsis in order to improve flower type for increasing ornamental value.  No scientific research was found on cultivation for Angraecum sesquipedale.  In order to obtain more information on cultivation for the species, experiments were conducted to test on five growing media for the growth and flowering of Angraecum sesquipedale.  The results revealed that the plants were tallest and strongest when grown with sphagnum moss compared with other media.  The values on leaves number, leaf area, flowering percentage and flower quality were highest.  The plants that grown in both bark mixed tree-fern and bark mixed tree-fern, satsuma grew worst, low flowering percentage and worse flowers quality.  Using sphagnum moss as growing medium with 0.5 g/L fertilizer solution every week is recommended for excellent potplant production of Angraecum sesquipedale.

Key words:Medium, Angraecum sesquipedale

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