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Assessment of Environmental Risk of Transgenic Papaya Ring Spot Virus Resistant Papaya on Insects and mites
Population dynamics of Tetr anychus kansawai eggs on transgenic and non-transgenic papaya in the isolated field at ARI. (Arrow: Time of miticide spray for suppressing the population)
Population dynamics of Tetr anychus kansawai eggs on transgenic and non-transgenic papaya in the isolated field at ARI. (Arrow: Time of miticide spray for suppressing the population)

Author:Feng-Chyi Lin, Chi-Yang Lee, Chin-Ling Wang, Pan-Chi Liou and Chien-Yih Lin


    Evaluation of impacts of the transgenic (PRSV) resistant papaya to environmental insects and mites were conducted at the isolated net house and the isolated field at ARI from May 2002 to November 2003. Species of pest insects and natural enemies and population fluctuations of the main pests on papaya were surveyed. Species of insects and mites occurred on transgenic and control papayas were the same. These included aphis gossypii, Bemisia argentiflii, Anoidiella inornata, Aleurodicus dispersus, Pieris rape crucivora, Spodoptera litura, Illeis koebelei, Stethorus sp., Tetranychus kanzawai, and Amblyseius ovalis. Of them, T. kanzawai was the most common pest. The population fluctuations of this mite on both transgenic and non-transgenic papayas were similar. Other possible impacts discussed included the impacts on insect-pollinators, conserved or threatened insects, soil insects and birds. It is concluded that the risk of the transgenic papaya to insects, mites and birds in environments were very low.

Key words:transgenic papaya, papaya ring spot virus resistant, environmental safety assessment, insect, mite

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