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Author:Jui-Sheng Lai*, Jui-Lung Kao, Yi-Kung Lin, Min-Fu Hu and Sin-Yi Liu
Thirty-two yam lines of nine species, including Dioscorea alata L. (17 lines), D. alata L. var. purpurea (3 lines), D. batatas (5 lines), D. pseudojaponica (2 lines), D. doryphora (1 line), D. escunlenta (1 line), D. bulbifera (1 line), D. rotundata (1 line) and D. persimilis (1 line) were used in this study. Variation among and within yam species was investigated via morphological and RAPD analysis. Forty random primers were carried out in RAPD analysis. Forty-three polymorphic bands generated by twelve primers were used in cluster analysis. The result reveals seven clusters consistent with classification yam species. D. alata species is the largest cluster, and can be further divided into five sub-clusters. The first sub-cluster is clumpy yam. The second sub-cluster is bottle-shape yam. The third sub-cluster is white flesh with red skin yam. The forth sub-cluster is red flesh yam. Another one is long tuber length yam. Although it is still difficult to identify specific line within the same cluster, such a RAPD analysis corresponds with morphological analysis reveals that it is possible to proceed breeding cluster by cluster.
Key words:Yam, Morphological trait, Molecular marker
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