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The Studies on Morphological Markers and Developmental Plasticity of Native Lilies in Taiwan
Geographic locations and sampling sites of native lily. Central Mountain Districts (Lilium formosanum) A: northern, B: central, C:southern Coast Districts (L. longiflorum ), D: northeastern, E: eastern, F: off shore islets Population representative codes are as those showed in Table 1.
Geographic locations and sampling sites of native lily. Central Mountain Districts (Lilium formosanum) A: northern, B: central, C:southern Coast Districts (L. longiflorum ), D: northeastern, E: eastern, F: off shore islets Population representative codes are as those showed in Table 1.

Author:Ting-En Dai*, Fong-Wu How and Chou-Tou Shii


    To document the morphological diversity of L. formosanum and L. longiflorum native in Taiwan, germplasms from 32 native lilium populations were collected from two distinct geographic districts: ‘Central Mountain District’ (northern, central and southern area, 3 areas and 19 population sites) and ‘Coast District’ (northeast, east and off shore islets, 3 areas and 13 population sites). Samples were grown in green house for morphological and genetic comparison and for germplasm conservation purpose. Studying morphological characteristics of different accessions in L. formosanum and L. longiflorum native in Taiwan can provide us the needed information in conservation and breeding program. A great diversity existed in the characteristic of plant height. Mean plant height among 32 populations ranged from 12.6±7.8 cm (Au-Di) and to 135.0±49.4 cm (Luo-Na). Average plant height of samples from ‘Central Mountain District’ was 71.43±40.43 cm with the max 135.0±49.4 cm (Luo-Na) and the min 21.4±5.7 cm (He-Huan-Shan). Average plant height of samples from ‘Coast District’ was 32.84±17.25 cm with the maximum of 51.8±23.0 cm (Jien-Shan) and the minimum of 12.6±7.8 cm (Au-Di). The plant height characteristic showed a great diversity in inter- and intra- populations. Samples could also be categorized by leaf length to width ratio: nineteen populations have a value above 20 and the rest with a value below 18. Mean leaf length to width ratio of 19 samples from ‘Central Mountain District’ was 22.44±6.78, the max. is 34.4±11.4 (Guan-Wu), the min. is 20.1±4.7 (Ma-Ja). The total average leaf length/width ratio of 13 populations in ‘Coast District’ is 12.28±5.46, the max is 18.4±4.4 (Jiyi-Chi), the min is 7.0±1.5 (Ba-Dou-Tz). The results showed that samples from ‘Central mountains districts’ (L. formosanum) had more morphological diversity than those from ‘Coast Districts’ (L. longiflorum). L. formosanum and L. longiflorum can be simply distinguished by Leaf length to width ratio in a value 18-20.

Key words:Lilium. formosanum, L. longiflorum, Morphological markers, Developmental plasticity, Germplasm

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