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Developing the Techniques for Transgenic Crops Detection -Detection of Genetically Modified Soybeans and Maize by 35S Promoter Molecular Marker
Different DNA extraction kits and the comparisons of their quality
Different DNA extraction kits and the comparisons of their quality

Author:Jau-Yeuh Wang*, Ming-Jen Fan and Chien-Yih Lin


    Biotechnology has enabled the modification of crops in a very precise way thereby improving productivity and yield. Till 2003 about 78 transgenic crops were through safety evaluated and already approved. Since that, the problem for discriminating between transgenic crops and non-transgenic crops in the market was posed. In this study, we used herbicide resistance transgenic soybean and Bacilnus tumufacisos (Bt) corn as model plants for setup the DNA level detection of transgenic crops. Three commercial DNA extraction kits were evaluated for DNA quality and PCR efficiency. The results showed that the Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit can be manipulated easily to obtain DNA with good quality. The results of transgenic crops detection revealed that Nested PCR (Nest Polymerase Chain Reaction) analysis based on Biosmart Allin 1.0 GMO Screening System allowed the detection of transgenic soybean and transgenic corn by CaMV 35S promoter specific gene fragment of 150bp. Furthermore, the synthesized primers of 35S 1 / 35S 2 and 35S-F/35S-R also showed very efficient in detected the CaMV 35S promoter and produced the fragments of 195bp and 207bp respectively.

Key words:Transgenic crops, Detection

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