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Effect of Ethylene and Preservatives on the Vase Life of gerbera jamesonii Cut Flower
Effect of preservative pretreatment on the weight change of
Effect of preservative pretreatment on the weight change of "Ornella" gerbera cut flowers in the vase at 23±2℃

Author:Chia-Hui Tang, Ruey-Song Lin, Tan-Cha Lee and Yung-Hsiung Cheng


    e vase life of “Furore” and “Ornella” gerhera cut flowers treated with preservatives and exogenous ethylene at 0~10ppm concentrations were studied. Meanwhile, the water uptake, fresh weight change, respiration rate, and ethylene production of gerbera cut flower pulsed with preservative treatment were investigated. Ethylene all concentrations of tested increased the respiration rate and ethylene production of the treated flower, but not significantly affected their vase life. Pulse treatment with ethylene inhibitors, including aminotriazole (ATA) (1.2mM), 1 -methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) (1800ppb), retain (100ppm) and silver thiosulfate (STS) (0.1~2.0 mM), had no effect on prolong of the vase life of gerhera cut flower. The results showed that the cut flowers of gerbera were not sensitive to ethylene, and their senescence was not caused injury by ethylene. The vase life of these two cultivars prolonged for 4 days after pulse treatment with 1,3-dichloro-5, 5-dimethylhydantoin (DDMH), NiCl2 and sucrose for 2 hours. The best effect was obtained with the treatment of combination of 1.25 ppm DDMH, 250 ppm NiCl2 and 0.25% sucrose for “Furore” and treatment of combination of 25 ppm DDMH, 500 ppm NiCl2 and 0.5% sucrose for “Ornella”.

Key words:Cut gerbera, Ethylene, Ethylene inhibitors, Preservative, Vase life

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