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Effect of Light/Dark Cycling on Growth and Anthocyanin Production of Ajuga reptens in Callus Culture
Growth and anthocyanin production in Ajuga reptens callus grown in different light/dark cycling conditions
Growth and anthocyanin production in Ajuga reptens callus grown in different light/dark cycling conditions

Author:Fong-Wu How* and Mary Ann Smith


    The effect of four different light/dark cycling treatments (16 hours light/8 hours dark, 16 hours light/32 hours dark, 16 hours light/56 hours dark, and 8 hours light/16 hours dark) on growth and anthocyanin production of Ajuga reptens in callus culture was investigated. The results showed that light/dark cycling has no significant influence on callus production. In contrast with callus production, the level of anthocyanin seems depend on the duration of the irradiance and become proportionally less amount as the length of the duration decrease. These results suggest that maximum anthocyanin production probably can be obtained by subculturing the callus of A. reptens in low light level (even in the dark) for full callus production, then transferring to a high irradiance light condition for a few days for anthocyanin synthesis.

Key words:Ajuga reptens, Anthocyanin production, Callus culture

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