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Chilling requirement for native Prunus campanulata Maxim in Taiwan
Prunus companulata, flowers pendulous, solitary or few-corymbose, petals ovate, red purple
Prunus companulata, flowers pendulous, solitary or few-corymbose, petals ovate, red purple

Author:Shyi-Kuan Ou* and Chi-Ling Chen


    Prunus campanulata Maxim. distributed in broad-leaved forests at 500-2000m throughout Taiwan. The chilling requirements for native P. campanulata Maxim had been determined by comparing blooming dates with “4 peach key cultivars” (‘Flordared’, ‘Premier’, ‘TropicSweet’, and ‘TropicSnow’) at Wufeng from 1996 to 2001 for six years. Chilling requirement for key cultivars and P. Campanulata Maxim were calculated from the initial date of chilling to rest completion and full bloom by 4 different models which were named the number of hours below 12.9, low-chilling nectarine model, Utah chill-unit model, and Taiwan chilling model. The results revealed that the chilling requirements of key cultivars were insufficient during the warm winter at Wufeng. Using the Taiwan chilling model performed a higher degree of accuracy than other 3 foreign ones. The estimated result in terms of chill unit (CU) by Taiwan chilling model was 190 CU for P. campanulata Maxim.

Key words:Prunus companulata, Peach key cultivar, Chilling requirement, Rest completion date, Full bloom date, Taiwan chilling model

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