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Author:Shu-Hui Yang and Hung-Yeh Hung
‘Jen Ju Bar’ guava fruit cultivated with different fertilizers were separated into four grades (A to D) according to sensory evaluation and the content of various compounds of fruit flesh. The proportion of C grade product of the guava fruit ‘Jen Ju Bar’ cultivated only with chemical fertilizers was 65% and that of A grade was absent. Whereas, the A grade was 10% and B grade was 56% for fruits produced by plants cultivated with organic fertilizers. Meanwhile, the content of ascorbic acid, total sugar, and titratable acidity of the fruit cultivated with organic fertilizers was much higher than those cultivated with chemical fertilizers. However, the crude fiber and oxalic acid content of the former were lower than those of the latter. Some of the guava fruit cultivated with organic fertilizers appeared watercore symptoms. The contents of sucrose, organic acids and titratable acidity of watercore flesh part were significantly higher than the A grade guava, but fructose content was lower than the normal fruit.
Key words:Psidium guajava L., Guava, ‘Jen Ju Bar’, Chemical fertilizer, Organic fertilizer, Composition, Watercore symptom
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