
Establishment of Rice-Feed Corn Environmental Friendly Crop Rotation Model by Application Green Manure

Author:Shang-Hu Lin1* and Lee-Ying Cheng2


    In response to the impact of climate change on the feed corn production and existing farming systems in Taiwan, applied different feed corn varieties with environment-friendly cultivation methods, planned for 2-years a round crop rotation patterns. The rotation patterns focuses on paddy field and dry land rotation and green manure application. The results showed that compared with the control, green manure application can reduce chemical fertilizer usage to avoid acidification, improve soil phosphorus content, reduce soil EC value and slow down soil salinization. Soil fertility maintain and cash earnings of crop rotation for the assessment index, rotation model B is the preferred mode of rotation. Model B:first crop season Rice →second crop Green manure →winter crop late variety Feed corn (First year)→first crop Green manure →second crop Rice →winter crop-f early variety Feed corn (Second year).

Keywords: Environment-Friendly Cultivation, Green Manure, Feed Corn.

1 Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.
2 Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.
* Corresponding Author, Email: ; Tel: 04-25825490.

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UPDATE:2021-11-18 16:42:00
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