
The Expert Consultation on Best Practices in Agri-Food Innovations in Asia and the Pacific and 14th General Assembly Meeting of APAARI, 1-3 November 2016, Taichung City

The Expert Consultation on Best Practices in Agri-Food Innovations in Asia and the Pacific and 14th General Assembly Meeting of Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) organized by APAARI, Council of Agriculture (COA) Taiwan, Australian Centre of International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), the World Vegetable Center (AVRDC) and the Asian Farmers Association (AFA) were held at Taichung, Taiwan on 1-3 November 2016. More than 80 participants including NGO delegates, governmental officers, researchers and scholars from India, Thailand, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Malaysia, Samoa, Cambodia, Nepal, Pakistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Iran, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Fiji, Australia, Japan and Taiwan were invited to the meeting and discussed on Agri-food innovative technologies and strategies, collaborative partnership construction, sustainable agriculture. On 2 November, a field trip to the gene bank and demonstration garden of AVRDC and the Taiwan Orchid Plantation was carried out for further comprehend the international cooperation and development of Taiwan agricultural industry. It was a fruitful and joyful experience that elites from different countries in the Asia-Pacific region could exchange opinions, build up international network on agricultural issues, and strengthen collaboration with each other.

  • Group photo of all participating guests
    The Expert Consultation on Best Practices in Agri-Food Innovations in Asia and the Pacific (EC)
    Discussion during EC
  • EC working group
    Working group reports
    Participants visited AVRDC- The World Vegetable Center
  • AVRDC Demonstration Garden
    Dr. Ting-En Dai from the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, COA introduced the development and trade of Taiwan orchid industry in the Taiwan Orchid Plantation
    Participants visited the Taiwan Orchid Plantation (General Discussion)
  • The 14th General Assembly Meeting of APAARI
UPDATE:2016-12-07 10:14:00
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