
Detection of Whitefly-transmitted Viruses on Cucurbits

    Silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring) is a vector of more than 100 virus diseases of plants, including Squash leaf curl Philippines virus (SLCPHV ) and Cucurbit chlorosis yellows virus (CCYV) which are the most common viral diseases of cucurbit crops in central and southern Taiwan. Since no effective chemical methods are available for the control of SLCPHV and CCYV, it is important to control the disease at the vector level. To this end, TARI has worked to develop effective methods for the detection of these viral pathogens in whiteflies, and thus allowing the opportunity to control vector populations and thereby prevent the spread of these viral diseases in the field. PCR and RT-PCR assays have been widely used individually for the detection of SLCPHV and CCYV. However, studies at TARI revealed that using the combination of PCR and RT-PCR assays provides more effective detection of SLCPHV and CCYV than either assay alone. The combined assay in a single reaction is now being used for the rapid detection of SLCPHV and CCYV on whiteflies and cucurbit plants. The accuracy and rapid availability of the information allows for the effective control of whiteflies and, thus, prevents further spread of SLCPHV and CCYV on cucurbits in the field.

  • Detection of Squash leaf curl Philippines virus (S) by PCR assay.
    Detection of Cucurbit chlorosis yellows virus (C) by RT-PCR assay.
    Duplex RT-PCR assays for the simultaneous detection of both DNA (SLCPHV) (S) and RNA (CCYV) (C) viruses in infected cucurbit plants.
  • Whiteflies perched on the dorsal side of leaves. Winged adults (insert) are effective vectors for the transmission of the viral diseases caused by SLCPHV and CCYV.
    Melon and watermelon plants infected by SLCPHV, CCYV or both. The fruits produced are of poor quality and have no market value.
UPDATE:2015-03-16 15:40:00
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