
Controlling Arthropod Pests with Natural Substances

*Control of pests with a mixture of plant oils

    A natural product made of plant oils was developed at TARI for control of spider mites, aphids and whiteflies. The formulation of this product has been communicated to three companies for commercial applications.

Control of aphids (left) and spider mites (right) by plant oil mixture. Treatments: treated (top row) and untreated (bottom row).

*Bait-methods for controlling fire ants

    A bait developed at TARI was registered and licensed for control this insect pest. The bait contains the active ingredient borax (sodium tetraborate) which has high toxicity to fire ants but low toxicity to humans and other mammals. This baiting technique has been transferred to companies for developing commercial products for fire ant control.

A commercial product for the control of fire ants. Note package (top) and granulated bait (bottom). Fire ants are feeding on the bait or carrying the bait into nest.
A commercial product for the control of fire ants. Note package (top) and granulated bait (bottom). Fire ants are feeding on the bait or carrying the bait into nest.



    Agri-soap is an agricultural soap and disinfectant developed at TARI for the control of aphids and spider mites. The product is non-toxic to humans and other mammals and is commercially available to general public for use in the management of aphids and spider mites in gardens and other landscaped areas.

The agri-soap product developed at TARI.

The agri-soap product developed at TARI.

UPDATE:2016-08-22 16:34:00
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