
Techniques for Inducing the Production of Wax-apple Fruit

    Wax-apple (Syzygium samarangense Merr. et Perry) is an economically important fruit crop grown in southern Taiwan. Traditionally, the fruit production period of wax-apple is concentrated in the summer months (May to July). However, fruits of wax-apple produced in summer months can be of poor quality and low yield due to high temperature and high humidity. A program was initiated at the Fengshan Branch of TARI to develop techniques for producing high quality wax-apples outside of the traditional summer months. The research efforts resulted in the development of four techniques that are effective in forcing wax-apple trees to produce fruits in the winter and spring (December to April). These techniques are: a) shading trees with net-coverings, b) girdling at the base of tree trunk, c) flooding of wax-apple orchards, and d) pruning of wax-apple roots. Wax-apple fruits produced in the winter and spring months are large, dark red and high in quality, with a high TSS (total soluble solid) count and crispy and juicy flesh.

Techniques for adjusting the production period of wax-apples.

Techniques for adjusting the production period of wax-apples. (A). Shading by net-covering of plants, (B). Girdling at the base of the tree trunk, (C). Flooding of wax-apple orchard, and (D). Root pruning.

UPDATE:2016-08-30 10:17:00
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