
Establishment of a Geoinformation System Database for Bacteria and Fungi in the Arable Soil of Taiwan

    Soil microorganisms are vital components in soil ecology. They play crucial roles in the decomposition of organic matter, nutrient circulation, N2-fixation, the formation of soil structure, maintenance of soil fertility, and biocontrol of soilborne diseases and pests. The Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute has established a databank to collect information related to the geographical distribution of soil bacteria and fungi in the arable land of Taiwan through a series of protocols including selective media for the isolation, sequencing, identification, and extraction of the DNA of soil bacteria and fungi. Combining these data with those of a soil survey can provide valuable references for research on the potential emission of greenhouse gases, N2-fixation capability, and healthy management of crop production.

  • Isolation and purification of soil bacteria and fungi by selective media.
    When users access the inquiry system of the Web site and select a species of microorganism, the system retrieves related data such as distribution information.
UPDATE:2019-04-12 15:34:00
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