
A Tropicalized Purple Cauliflower for Promoting Health

    The Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Branch of Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute has introduced 25 promising lines of purple cauliflower from Britain in 1979. After 33 years of efforts in selection and domestication of these lines for Taiwan's environmental conditions, the Branch has released a new purple cauliflower variety dubbed “Tainong No. 1” on July 7, 2012, which provides another choice of high-quality and healthy vegetables for the consumer.

    The purple color in the cauliflower floret/curd is due to the presence of anthocyanins, which belong to a group of strong antioxidants. The major edible floret part is also rich in vitamin C, and provides a fair amount of dietary fiber, vitamin A, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and selenium. Purple cauliflower is thought to have originated in the Northeast Mediterranean area. And the introduced varieties from this area are heat sensitive with a shorter growth duration. High temperatures in tropical and sub-tropical Taiwan usually cause the introduced purple cauliflower varieties to discolor and to develop leaf-like bracts between the segments of the curd, making cauliflowers unmarketable.

    The newly unveiled "Tainong No. 1" purple cauliflower is suitable for Taiwan's climate and weather. This erect-type cauliflower is resistant to lodging and does not form leaf-like bracts. It takes 55-65 days to mature, which is 10-20 days earlier than the conventional cauliflower varieties. And its concentrated harvest period favors harvesting practices for an efficient supply management. Tainong No. 1 purple cauliflower belongs to a loose-curd, green-stalked type, which is favored by most consumers in Taiwan, and has densely packed flower buds. It has good taste quality and high anthocyanin content. And its crunchy texture is a welcome addition to a healthy salad or a tasty stir-fry.

  • Plant type of purple cauliflower Tainong No. 1.
    Curd type of purple cauliflower Tainong No. 1.
UPDATE:2014-03-04 09:50:00
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