Improved varieties

Tainung No. 3 (Sugar Barbie)

Variety Characteristics

    Wax-apple Tainung 3 or ‘Sugar Barbie’ is the second hybrid variety in Taiwan. Plants of ‘Sugar Barbie’ grow vigorously and new shoots emergence rapidly. Mature fruits are purplish red with a intensive, protuberant surface. Fruit size of ‘Sugar Barbie’ averaged weighing around 200 g. However, large fruits weighing up to 380 grams are also common. Total soluble solid (TSS) content of mature ‘Sugar Barbie’ fruits averages 12º Brix, while the sugar/acid ratio is lower than that in the ‘Indonesia Big Shape or Palm’ variety of wax apple. Compared to the ‘Indonesia Big Shape or Palm’ wax apple, flesh of ‘Sugar Barbie’ is crispier, juicier and special flavor with sweet-sour.

The term of the plant variety rights protection

    January 15, 2015–January 14, 2040

UPDATE:2017-04-18 15:39:00
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