Improved varieties

Tainung No. 1 (Amethyst)

Variety Characteristics

    The fruit is long conical in shape with mean weight of 128 g. Skin color is dark red, purplish red or dark purple with distinct sheen; the variety sustains this coloring property under high temperatures and sprouting stage during summer months from May to July. The variety has a low fruit cracking rate. The white flesh is crisp and juicy with a sweetness level that can reach 12.7° Brix and an acidity of about 0.35%, which is higher than that of the prevailing pink variety, giving it a special sweet sour taste.

The term of the plant variety rights protection

    December 16, 2011–December 15, 2036

  • The maturing fruit on the tree (left, ‘Pink’
UPDATE:2014-03-17 16:58:00
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